Business to Business 

Sustainable growth on targeted domestic & foreign demographic markets 

About us

RPC Prime Corporation is an RPConnect Corporation Companyfounded in the United States on September 6, 1994.


We are innovators in business-to-business integration and equity investment. We are active in sustainable growth through corporate participation.

On February 14, 1995, RPConnect ventured into multi-investment business integration in and outside the United States and established RPC Prime Corporation in the Philippines on January 12, 2015 and aquired the Company in February 2021.

Today, RPC Prime is a powerhouse group with RPConnect that maintains business-to-business integration which makes its biggest strength in both the International and local markets. 

RPCPrime alongside its group of subsidiaries and partners continues to march forward waging the torch of leadership in captivating its targeted domestic and foreign demographic markets with sustainable corporate participation.

Corporation in the USA, Corporate-owned in the Czech Republic and the Republic of the Philippines.


We work with the following companies:
Saint Gobein (FR), CEZ (Czech Republic), Ondeo Degremont (FR), BVK (Czech Republic), Veolia Group (FR), Government Atomic Committee of Slovakia, Falkon Capital, a.s. (Czech Republic), Washington Capital Global Finances (USA).


To continue towards greater heights of global excellence utilizing corporate bilateral agreements as commerce spectrum.

charity program

Charity Programs 
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Benedictine Celestine